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Chris Pratt Workout Reveal: The Exact Routine + Diet Plan

Chris Pratt Workout Reveal: The Exact Routine + Diet Plan

Since appearing in Guardians of the Galaxy, guys all over the world have been asking what the Christ Pratt Workout and diet plan is.

Prior to the film, we all know Chris was the loveable Andy Dwyer on Parks & Recreation. But for his role as Star-Lord, he needed to completely transform his physique to look the part in this role. 

And look the part he did.

The 38-year old actor dropped more than 60 pounds in six months by combining a diet plan from nutritionist Phil Goglia and an intense training regimen from personal trainer Duffy Gaver, creating a simplified version of the popular Shredded program for men.

The Chris Pratt Workout Explained

So what is the Chris Pratt workout?

According to Gaver, Chris performed a program like Shredded where the actor trained for 5 months with 4 to 6 sessions a week.

Chris Pratt Workout and Diet

The first two months were bodybuilding workouts, while the next two were a mixture of bodybuilding and conditioning. The last month focused more on conditioning — cardio circuits, swimming, mountain biking, weightlifting, and calisthenics.

Pratt wanted to give justice to the Star-Lord role, so he would do extra workouts on his own, recalls Gaver. The result is a ripped, chiseled Chris. Not bad for an actor who used to be overweight.

You, too, can have the body of a superhero. We’ll show you how the Chris Pratt Workout works, plus the Chris Pratt Diet plan to supplement the fitness program.

Are you ready? Let's do it!

The Chris Pratt Workout Routine & Diet Plan

Before you hit the ground running, don’t forget to do the warmup exercises before starting the Chris Pratt Workout. You'll also note the use of tempo training -- an effective and proven training strategy to accelerate fat loss.

Chris Pratt Workout Routine

Perform the first workout as straight sets and only rest after completing the last exercise. Meanwhile, do the second and third workouts as circuits, completing all exercises in a row and only resting when you’ve completed them.

While not officially a part of Chris' Guardians of the Galaxy workout, you should also consider static stretching, which is recommended for all my clients.

Chris Pratt Workout Warmup

Warmup 1: Run

  • 1 set,10 minutes rep, rest as needed.
  • Stand straight and align your hips with your knees and ankles. Bend your right knee, raise your right leg, and run in place.

Warmup 2: Pullup

  • 3 sets, 5 reps, 60 to 90 sec. rest.
  • You’ll need a pullup bar for this exercise.
  • Grab the bar and hang on it. Keep your straight and make sure your feet don’t touch the ground.
  • Pull yourself up so your check touches the bar.
  • Then slowly lower yourself.

Warmup 3: Pushup

  • 3 sets, 10 reps, 60 to 90 sec. rest.
  • Place your hands on the floor at shoulders width and keep your body straight.
  • Lower your body until your chest is at least an inch above the floor.
  • Then push back to the original position.

Warmup 4: Squat

  • 3 sets, 15 reps, 60 to 90 sec. rest.
  • This exercise requires a squat rack.
  • Once you set up the squat rack, hold the bar in a comfortable position, squeeze your shoulders, and lift the bar from the rack.
  • Then step back and bend your hips and knees as low as you can.
  • Slowly rise up to a standing position.

For more in-depth guidance, check out the 12 week program here.

Chris Pratt Workout 1 (Back, Biceps, Abs)

Exercise 1: Lat Pulldown

  • 6 sets, 20, 15, 15, 15, 12, 12 reps, then 60 to 90 second rest. You’ll need a cable machine for this exercise.
  • Grab the handle with your hands and pull it to your collarbone.
  • Bend your elbows as you pull the handle and let the weight stretch your lats.

Exercise 2: Dumbbell Row

  • 5 sets, 20, 15, 12, 12, 12 reps, then 60 to 90 sec. rest.
  • This exercise requires a dumbbell.
  • Hold the dumbbell using one hand and stand up.
  • Bend your hips until your body is parallel to the floor.
  • Make sure your shoulder is horizontally aligned to the ground.
  • Now pull the dumbbell to your hip as you squeeze your shoulder blades.

Exercise 3: Barbell Curl

  • 6 sets, 15 reps, 0 sec. rest.
  • You will also need a barbell for this exercise.
  • Hold the barbell with both of your hands at shoulder width. Slowly curl the barbell up until it touches your shoulders.

Exercise 4: Pushup

  • 6 sets, 5 reps, 60 to 90 sec. rest.
  • Drop your hands on the floor at shoulder width, keep your body straight, and compress your shoulders.
  • Lower your body as your elbows bend and stop when you’re an inch above the floor. Pull your body back up to the original position.

Exercise 5: Concentration Curl

  • 3 sets, 10 reps, 60 to 90 sec. rest.
  • Get your dumbbells and sit on a bench or chair with your feet on the ground.
  • Rest the back of your upper arm on your thigh and curl the dumbbell.
  • Make sure your arm stays on your thigh throughout the exercise.
  • Alternate both arms. You can hold your knee with your other arm to improve your stability.

Chris Pratt Workout 2 (5 Rounds of Ab Circuits)

Exercise 1: Situp

  • 20 repetitions, 0 sec. rest.
  • Lie on the floor with your knees bent.
  • Keep your arms crossed against your chest.
  • Then use your abs to sit up. Make sure your body is completely vertical.
  • Don’t bend your body and keep your arms in place. LIe down again and repeat the process.

Exercise 2: Crunch

  • 20 reps, 0 sec. rest.
  • You’ll need a Swiss ball for this exercise.
  • Lie your back on the ball with your feet on the floor. Allow your back to rest on the ball.
  • Put your hands behind the back of your head and crunch.

Exercise 3: Oblique Crunch

  • 20 reps on alternate sides, 60 second rest.
  • Lie on your back, raise both of your knees, and put your hands behind your head. Crunch on your right side and let your right elbow touch your right thigh. Hold for three seconds.
  • Lower your upper back and repeat the same process on the left side, crunching and touching your left thigh with your left elbow.

Chris Pratt Workout 3 (Cardio Power Circuit/ 3 to 5 rounds)

Exercise 1: Run

  • 1/2 mile reps, 0 sec. rest.
  • Stand straight and keep your ankles aligned with your hips and knees.
  • Run in place, alternately raising your legs until they’re at the same level as your knees. Bend your elbows as you run.

Exercise 2: Power Clean

  • 15 reps, 0 sec. rest.
  • You’ll need a barbell for this exercise.
  • From a standing position, bend your hips and keep your feet apart. Grab the barbell at shoulder width while keeping your back flat. Lift the bar and put it into your shoulders.

Exercise 3: Bench Press

  • 10 reps, 0 sec. rest.
  • You’ll also need a barbell for this exercise.
  • Lie down and grab the bar at shoulder width.
  • Arch your back to create a small space between your back and the bench.
  • Remove the bar from the rack and slowly lower it to your breastbone, keeping your elbows close to your sides.Use the strength of your feet to push the bar back up.

Exercise 4: High Box Jump

  • 5 reps, 60 to 120 sec. rest.
  • You’ll need an exercise box for this exercise.
  • Stand near the box and bend your knees to jump. Jump onto the box and make sure that you land safely. Go down and repeat the steps.

The 7 Day Chris Pratt Workout

Chris Pratt Workout Day 1: Back, Biceps, and Abs

  • Warm up: 10 minutes jog on treadmill.
  • Exercise 1: Pull up (5 sets/ 15, 12, 10, 10, 8 reps).
  • Exercise 2: Pull down (5 sets/ 15, 12,12,10, 8 reps).
  • Hammer strength row (4 sets/ 12, 12, 10, 10 reps).
  • Heavy dumbbell row (4 sets/ 12, 10, 8, 8 reps).
  • Barbell curl (4 sets/ 10, 8, 8, 6 reps).
  • Hammer curl (3 sets/ 12 reps).
  • Reverse curl (3 sets/ 12 reps).
  • Plank (3 sets/ 20 secs).
  • Hanging leg raise (3 sets/ 15 reps).
  • Sit up (3 sets/ 20 reps)

While not as advanced as the Best Ab Workouts program, this is a basic starting point to reveal six pack abs.

Chris Pratt Workout Day 2: Chest and Triceps

  • Warm up: 10 mins. jog on treadmill.
  • Bench press (5 sets/ 12, 10, 8, 6, 6 reps).
  • Incline bench press (3 sets/ 12 reps).
  • Hammer strength bench press (3 sets/ 12 reps).
  • Cable flys (3 sets/12 reps).
  • Dips (3 sets/ 12 reps).
  • Tricep rope pressdown (3 sets/ 12 reps).

Chris Pratt Workout Day 3: Legs & Core

  • Warm up: 10 mins. jog on treadmill.
  • Barbell back squat (6 sets/ 15, 12, 12, 10, 8, 6 reps).
  • Deadlift (4 sets/ 10, 8, 6, 6 reps).
  • Leg press (1 sets/ 10 reps).
  • Bodyweight walking lunge (3 sets/ 15 reps).
  • Leg curls (3 sets/ 20, 15, 12 reps).
  • Standing calf raise (3 sets/ 20 reps).
  • Plank (3 sets/ 20 seconds).
  • Bodyweight glute bridge (3 sets/ 20 reps). Oblique crunch (3 sets/ 15 each).

Chris Pratt Workout Day 4: Recovery Day

  • Do something active this day like cardio exercises. This is a great day to perform LISS cardio, a strategy prescribed in the recommended workout program to get shredded a short period of time.

Chris Pratt Workout Day 5: Shoulders & Triceps

  • Warm up: 10 mins. jog on treadmill. Military press (5 sets/ 12, 12, 10, 8, 6 reps).
  • Lateral raise (4 sets/ 12, 10, 8, 8 reps).
  • Rear delt fly (3 sets/ 15 reps).
  • Front raise (3 sets/ 15, 12, 10 reps).
  • Barbell shrugs (3 sets/ 15, 12, 10 reps).
  • Overhead extension (3 sets/ 12 reps).
  • Skull crusher (3 sets/ 12 reps).

Chris Pratt Workout Day 6: Full Body Tabata

Perform each for 20 seconds nonstop, resting for 10 seconds:

  • Push up (4 minutes/ 20 seconds nonstop, 10 seconds rest).
  • Pull up (4 minutes/ 20 seconds nonstop, 10 seconds rest).
  • Air squat (4 minutes/ 20 seconds nonstop, 10 seconds rest).
  • Bodyweight lunge (4 minutes/ 20 seconds nonstop, 10 seconds rest).
  • Hyperextension (4 minutes/ 20 seconds nonstop, 10 seconds rest).
  • Crunch (4 minutes/ 20 seconds nonstop, 10 seconds rest).
  • Plank (4 minutes/ 20 seconds nonstop, 10 seconds rest).

Chris Pratt Workout Day 7: Recovery Day

  • Similar to day 4, perform cardio exercises.

Is there a Better Alternative to the Chris Pratt Workout?

Getting ripped like Chris Pratt requires blood, sweat, and tears. If your goal is to look like Star Lord, then the Shredded workout and diet program can help guys build muscle, lose fat and get leaner in a short period of time.

The advantage of such a program is that it goes beyond the basic Chris Pratt Workout, providing an easy way for guys to become stronger and leaner quickly.

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